Stuttgart 2003

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3.5cc Finalist Reinhard Karhol with his very light ex
Bo Zhao 7.5cc boat now fitted with 3.5cc engine.

Aad Bervoets with his "Heineken" Tony Forslund
15cc Blizzard.

Czech boaters Petr Lamac, Jan Capek and
Josef Kobrle

Ludo Smeets helps rival Robert Daniel to get an
extra shine on the bottom of his boat.
( It didn't help, Ludo was still the winner )

Lauren Daniel gives the Cardinale's a bit of advice.

3.5cc, Marek Walczak, Poland

3.5cc Frank Werner, Germany

3.5cc Maurizio Pedrazini,

3.5cc Burkhard Stoltenburg, Germany

15cc Aad Bervoets, Holland