IKS Koln International 2007 at Duisburg Regattabahn.

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 3.5cc Podium
1st Christoph Schneider
2nd Robert Daniel, 3rd Reinhard Karohl

7.5cc Podium
1st Dave Marles
2nd Jurgen Mischke, 3rd Benjamin Nieber


15cc Podium
1st Steven Kindt
2nd Peter Pulvermuller, 3rd Matthias Foll.

35cc Podium
1st Ronny Riedel
2nd Plamen Zdravkov, 3rd Joachim Hof.


3.5cc Junior Podium
Left to right. 2nd Aleksander Zdravkov, 1st Julius Hof, 3rd Lars Muller, 4th Michelle Kasimir, 5th Ilina Zdravkov, 7th Gerrit Bekaert.


7.5cc Junoir Podium
Left to Right. 2nd Michelle Kasimir, 1st Dennis Kakermeister, 3rd Jap Zanen, 4th Aleksander Zdravkov, 5th Lars Muller.